Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Men are touch starved,

The problem is that our society has identified touching with sexuality.

Teachers are afraid to hug their students,even in a supportive sense. It is tragic.

Being touched is a fundamental need.

How long  has it been since you held your wife's hand?

When was the last time  you hugged your child?

Do it now and feel how relaxing it can be.

Feel nature beneath your bare feet

Get back in touch with nature, Get back in touch with human nature.

Power of Love

1.The love Shah Jahan had for his wife drove him to spend his life and his fortune building the Taj Mahal in her memory

2.Poet Elizabeth Barrett, best known for " How Do I Love Thee" was an invalid because of a childhood accident and was  confined to the house of a domineering father. When She found love in the person of the poet Robert Browning, he rescued her from an atmosphere of parental control and took her from England to Italy. There her health improved so much that she gave birth to a son.

3. There was a man who defied the statistics for high stress. That man had a rough employment history. In 1962, he lost his job when Studebacker corporation  went out of business.  A decade later a truck manufacturer folded, and he lost his job again. In 1980s, when Chrysler went through cutbacks, the man again lost his job.

Yet, he was one of the best - adjusted fellows.

When asked his secret, the man said, " I have got a loving wife"

                                            LOVE HAS TREMENDOUS POTENTIAL

Saturday, December 25, 2010


You think about other people and put their needs in front of your own.
I know this because I have been one of the hundreds of such recipients.
                                      Merry Christmas !
                                      May God bless you !

Friday, December 24, 2010


Learn to forgive.
Pray for your enemies.
As you learn to forgive those who have hurt you (intentionally or inadvertently), you learn the freedom this gives and the ensuing peace of mind.

Forgiving and not-holding grudges can release you from stress.

Love also implies forgiving.