Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Man & Woman

Man was created first, and  God then took the gentleness of the moon,the softness of the down, the beauty of the flowers, and the chatter of the jay, and combining these things,made woman.

And man was so happy. But after a while he went to God and said " She is a beautiful creature. I really appreciate her. But she talks without rest and she has become the bane of my life. Take her back" Then after two months the man again visited God. "I am very sad," he said. " Please return the woman to me." But after a while he came again and said, Please take her back" This time God said, " No, you have to keep her! Poor man! he could n't live with her,but neither could he live without her.

No man can come without woman, and no woman can come without man. Man is guided more by reason and woman more by feeling.

Each should strive for an inner balance of both reason and feeling,and so become a "whole" personality, a perfected human being.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Teachings of Shivapuri Baba

  • Give up Akarmas (useless thoughts,speeches and actions)
  • Give up Vikarmas (harmful thoughts,speeches and actions)
                     Intuition is sure to dawn on you.

  • You can not judge others
  • You can only judge yourself
                     Nothing is wrong with the world except that something is wrong with you

  • Happiness depends on disposition, not on circumstances
  • Whatever is done out of desire is wrong.
  • Whatever is done out of necessity is right
If we have to die,we should die with a laugh
Life and death is not in our hands
If we want to live,God may make us die.
If we want to die, God may make us live

Monday, May 2, 2011

Expression V/S Intuition

Two husbands heard the news that their wives had drowned. One was showing great grief and the other was not saying anything; but the one who showed sorrow outwardly felt less love for his wife than did the husband who didn't reveal by his facial expression any pain at all.

Some people have cultivated the ability to hide their true feelings because they  don't want to expose themselves to others.

So at times expression is superfluous and intuition matters.