Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Men are touch starved,

The problem is that our society has identified touching with sexuality.

Teachers are afraid to hug their students,even in a supportive sense. It is tragic.

Being touched is a fundamental need.

How long  has it been since you held your wife's hand?

When was the last time  you hugged your child?

Do it now and feel how relaxing it can be.

Feel nature beneath your bare feet

Get back in touch with nature, Get back in touch with human nature.

Power of Love

1.The love Shah Jahan had for his wife drove him to spend his life and his fortune building the Taj Mahal in her memory

2.Poet Elizabeth Barrett, best known for " How Do I Love Thee" was an invalid because of a childhood accident and was  confined to the house of a domineering father. When She found love in the person of the poet Robert Browning, he rescued her from an atmosphere of parental control and took her from England to Italy. There her health improved so much that she gave birth to a son.

3. There was a man who defied the statistics for high stress. That man had a rough employment history. In 1962, he lost his job when Studebacker corporation  went out of business.  A decade later a truck manufacturer folded, and he lost his job again. In 1980s, when Chrysler went through cutbacks, the man again lost his job.

Yet, he was one of the best - adjusted fellows.

When asked his secret, the man said, " I have got a loving wife"

                                            LOVE HAS TREMENDOUS POTENTIAL

Saturday, December 25, 2010


You think about other people and put their needs in front of your own.
I know this because I have been one of the hundreds of such recipients.
                                      Merry Christmas !
                                      May God bless you !

Friday, December 24, 2010


Learn to forgive.
Pray for your enemies.
As you learn to forgive those who have hurt you (intentionally or inadvertently), you learn the freedom this gives and the ensuing peace of mind.

Forgiving and not-holding grudges can release you from stress.

Love also implies forgiving.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Retirement from service, Dad's write up

Time hangs heavy on those, who are retired Public Servants. In service, they were always up and doing and had no time to think as to how to pass the day but after retirement they get pension amount which is sufficient to make both ends meet and therefore time hangs heavy on the head.
So far as  I am concerned, this is not applicable to me. I always follow a routine, in which there is prayer, puja, then rest and after words collect thinking and if necessary writing notes.
I do not know, whether these notes are of  any avail, but I think these are  definitely interesting and capable of giving good direction of thinking to readers.
As a matter of fact, I get inspiration from my Guru, Baba, that is Data Kambal Shah whom his Guru, Nurul Hasan Saheb used to call Chhedi Shah,
                                                            Jai Baba, Jai Guru.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Vivo- A page from Dad's Diary


Vivo who had been with us at Godda for a few days left for Jamshedpur today after offering Puja at Yogini Asthan yesterday.

I was quite happy being among him and his children who had also come with him. With their departure I feel completely  alone and helpless. But soon I got strength and it appeared that Baba was before me and was comforting me.
 Now after a few hours I am feeling composed and now I am devoting my time in solving other problems

Saturday, November 13, 2010


The dargah  of the Sufi saint Lal Shahbaz Qalander, 'The Red Royal Falcon' of Sehwan Sharif needs no introduction. Here,sixty years after Partition, one of the sajjada nasheens is still a Hindu,and it is he who performs the opening ritual at the annual 'URS'.The Hidus were said to regard Lal Shahbaz Qalander as a reincarnation of the sensual Sanskrit poet turned Shaivite ascetic, Bhartrihari,who renounced the pleasure of the court of Ujjain and moved to Sehwan, where he lived as an ash-smeared sadhu, and was later cremated on the site of the present shrine. The Hindus also know Lal Shahbaz by a third name: Jhule Lal. He is said to have punished himself with great feats of self-mortification,testing his self-discipline by engaging in the Hindu ascetic practice of tapasya,sitting in a cauldron over a fire, so turning his skin red. It was also here,that the saint transformed himself into a falcon-the other legend which gave the saint his name. On one occasion he flew to  Mecca to perform evening prayers at the  Ka'ba; another time he flew off to the aid of his friend Shekh Bahauddin Zakariya, who was in mortal danger from the King of Multan.

There is a short story. 'One day Lal Shahbaz was wandering in the desert with his friend Zakariya. It was winter, and evening time, so they began to build a fire to keep warm. They found some wood, but then they realized they had no fire. So Zakariya suggested that Lal Shahbaz turn himself into a falcon and get fire from hell. Off he flew, but an hour later he came empty handed. " There is no fire in hell", he reported. 
" Every one who goes there brings their own fire, and their own pain, from this world."

What a striking similarity!  Data Kambal Shah , also known as CHHEDI SHAH or Vakil Saheb or Rajendra Prasad whose Majar is in Goshala Road , Muzaffarpur  was a born Hindu and Kayastha by caste, r enunciated and renounced the pleasure of court of Monghyr where he was a practicing lawyer of splendid repute and moved to Muzaffarpur to  where he had lived as an ash smeared Kambal carrying faqueer upto 1957.Once he told in ecstasy and trans "Wanha ki Aag se yanha ki Aag  behtar hai"( As told to my father  Sri P K Dubey who happens to be  the closest desciple of Baba)

Here also all the essential rituals are performed by Hindus. It is believed that  Baba was incarnation of Ram Krishna Paramhans.      

Friday, November 12, 2010


ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN: Man wonders on the sky full of stars, restless sea but he does not know that of all wonders he is the most wonderful. " Man is a social animal " So what? So may other animals like ants ,bees ,termites ,monkeys and many many other animals are social. What is new in it? What made it wonderful? None else but   t he process of organic evolution that reached its climax by evolving man.But who initiated this process? None else but the ALMIGHTY himself who created situations for the formation of this habitable planet and evolution of innumerable species to live in, accomplish the very purpose of life and finally to go and then again appear again in the form of Gen next.

                                                        THE ALMIGHTY HIMSELF

Michael Jackson

Alana M.Thomas is a long time humanitarian and a fan of Michael Jackson's humanitarian work. Her  hometown is
Cincinnati,Ohio. She has authored and published a book on Michael Jackson which became a best seller overnight throughout the world breaking all the  previous records of any book published from United States.

The best thing that drew my attention  is that whereas Fore word of the book is written by Pearl Jr., Producer  of "Michael Jackson The Trial and Triumph of the King Of Pop", AFTERWORD of the book has been written by  Tulika Dubey on special request by the publisher from U S A. itself.

Tulika Dubey is my little daughter, of course a JNUITE who is presently working as a senior consultant in French Language section of GENPACT, BANGALORE

I am proud of my daughter ,Tulika who was not only recognized as the best fan of the king of Pop but was also considered as the most worthy and  talented writer in english from all over the world.

 Congrats Tulika! Keep it up, You have miles to go-------------   Yours lovingly Dad -Nagina

Be aware of emotional stress ,it can cause havoc,can be even fatal

Human brain is not one but three brains put together during the course of evolution.The first is reptilian brain devoted to basic life support such as breathing eating , drinking, mating etc.The second is limbic system which controls complex emotional responses like shriek,wag tails, appeasement etc which are linked to mammals but are not well developed in reptiles.The third brain is cerebral cortex, where reside the powers of speech,language, foresight,planning, imagining,judgement ,cognition and what not which are exclusively human faculties.

Hence use your exclusive faculties to control and manage your emotions or otherwise you may fall prey to emotional stress.High B P ,gastric ulcers ,heart problems and mental disturbances can all result from imbalances in body chemicals produced during periods of stress.

How to identify a person under emotional stress
Successful adaptation to civilization involves learning to hide one's emotions well..
Look closely- jaw may be clenched  and more rapid upper chest breathing you may notice.
There may be another change you may not notice. This is the hyperactivity of disturbed organ systems in individuals with chronic  disease.  Disease is the ultimate sign of stress

Types of persons under stress

Type A---    Who externalize their stress

Type B---    Who internalize their stress. They may appear calm.

Type C----  Who cope with stress effectively

How to cope up

1. Eat a healthy diet
2 Create your own exercise program
3. Use supplements wisely
4 If all these do not work- Visit a Doctor

Dos                                                                  Don ts
----                                                                 -------
Proper exercise                                             No hurry
Proper diet                                                    No curry
Proper rest                                                   No Worry
Wishing you all good luck, Let human instincts prevail upon animal instincts, this will not only save you but give you longer life.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Legacy

I along with my wife, Usha visited our native village recently. I noticed a property east of village where cattle grazed. It belonged to my Dad,a 90-year-old retired A D M. He ow

ned a lot of land in the area. When we told him we were interested in the piece of land, we are planning to settle and we would teach school there after our retirement from our current services, he pursed his lips and stared. " What did you say"? you will settle there? Impossible, people are leaving village and you intend to settle there? What a surprise!

But the very next second he told  " Nothing is mine there, Nothing is yours there. Nothing there belonged to your
Grand Dad even, every thing there, the pasture or lush property, belonged to your great Grand Dad, Sri Brij Mohan Dubey who died at the young age of 45. He was a good man".

A good man. A wonderful phrase - one that has almost been lost in our culture. I am reminded of a verse:  "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold"

A good name is the legacy  Great Grand Dad, Brij Mohan Dubey left me. It is what I hope to leave Shaswat with a story he can tell his son as they walk the gentle land when it comes to him by succession.


Worship can never be confined to the walls of temple, for it is an attitude towards life, a response to the universe around us.

Worship is that mixture of profound awe and overwhelming, self forgetful delight which is the true catharsis and deliverance of the soul .

"After you had taken your leave," wrote Rabindranath Tagore to a beloved guest, "I found God's footprints on my floor".

Worship re-kindles within us a reverence for life and teaches us to cherish the wonders of the universe.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dad's write up-4

There are many instances when I have found that he has so much supernatural powers that he may be equated with Swami Rama Krishna Paramhansa of Dakshineswar, Calcutta. Once Baba had exclaimed in ecstasy "HAM HI RAM KRISHNA PARAM HANS THE"

Today Baba is not in this material world. He had said once at Muzaffarpur Asthana that he would again come to this world.

I am living peacefully always remembering him. All my problems and difficulties are washed off after I remember him with tearful eyes and overwhelming voice.

                                                     Jai Baba , Jai Guru

Dad's write up-3

Man in general is by habit selfish,jealous and dishonest.This is the root cause of dissensions in the family and disintegration of joint family system So it is necessary to bring about the right way of life. What I feel is that panacea lies in good conduct, right way of life and love for every body Saints have preached this by practical demonstrations. I am lucky enough to get shelter in my Guru, Sri Data Kambal Shah whose Majar now exists at Muzaffarpur in Goshala Road. Actually whatever difficulty comes to me,my Guru removes  in the twinkling of eyes.

                                                  Jai Baba , Jai Guru

Dad's write up-2

I am conscious of both material and spiritual world. This is due to the kindness and grace of my guru, Baba data kambal Shah. when I was posted at Gogri ( Munger dist. ) in Bihar, Baba had come to Gogri and had stayed at the residence of his relative. After I learnt it I rushed to the house of Baldeo Babu who was an extra clerk in my Registration office.

I found Baba sitting there around a number of people. He was pleased to see me and told me that I had brought him at Gogri. Thereafter I sat before him for some time. then he told that he would go to Gogri. Gogri and Jamalpur are twin villages. He was at Jamalpur. Baba got on the Tam Tam and I sat behind him After some time I felt that as I am not completely pious I am not in a position to to sit with him. As soon as this feeling arose in me Baba spoke " KHUDA TUMHARE FAIIL KO NAHIN TUMHARE LAGAN KO DEKHTA HAI"

 I was thunder struck to feel it. So Baba is omniscient and omnipresent.

                                              ( Written on 30-06-2009)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Write up from my Dad,Sri Prafulla Kumar Dubey,B. Sc. B. L. Retired A D M, Age-90 Years

It is difficult to understand human life. Sometimes it appears that it is very pleasant and smooth. But just thereafter it appears that it is not a bed of roses. Life itself becomes a burden and one feels that if it ends it is better.

I ponder over this phenomena off and on and find that it is the super power ( God) who creates such situations to different persons. According to the deeds of persons, they get punishments or rewards.

So Lord Krishna in Bhagwat Geeta has said that one should only do his 'karma' (work) without desiring results.
The result of one's 'karma' (deeds) is not in his hand. So one should proceed always on the right line, believing in Godly phenomena and should always thank the Almighty in his attitude towards him

                                                           Jai Baba, Jai Data    (Written on  28-08-2009)
Test post by Tulika Dubey..
Hi Papa,
Welcome to the world of blogging!!

Happy blogging