Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Love & Relationship

The act of giving is not love. When you become receptive, that is what creates love, because in that receptiveness you stop doing and mind falls into stillness and formlessness.

The easiest way to destroy a relationship is to ask the other to be different from how she or he is. How can you call it love to ask the other to be different from they are? I 'm sure you would agree that is not love. If you start to ask the other to change, you had better end the relationship.


The word alone simply means that there is no longer a separation between you and me.
Alone is not about loneliness.
Alone is about the ending of separation.
Alone means that there ceases to be a distinction between mine and yours.
There may be a distinction between your body and my body on the physical level, but on an energy level  there is oneness  - alone is all one.

Faith And Belief

Faith is personal. Belief is social. So you need not have belief. Have faith instead and have it for yourself only. Dont' try to convince anyone else of it. If you have faith, you will never try to convince anyone of it. However if you believe in something, you will get angry if others remain unconvinced by you.