Saturday, April 8, 2017


Matsyendranath is the first Guru of the Naths. According to legend he was a fisherman from Kamarupa in Assam who hooked a giant fish and was swallowed alive by it. The fish came to rest  on the ocean floor near a hidden palace in which  Shiva had chosen to transmit his  most secret teaching to his consort Uma. From within the belly of the fish  Matsyendranath overheard these secret teachings and received his mantra  directly from Shiva. Shiva had no option but to make Matsyendranath his desciple. Matsyendranath spent twelve years perfecting his sadhana in the belly of the fish until he was eventually disgorged onto dry land.He had many desciples.The most prominent was Gorakhnath.
Matsyendranath is the patron diety of Nepal, and is believed to have brought the first grains  of rice to this Himalayan Kingdom.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath belongs to this tradition.

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Gorakhnath was born in Punjab around the tenth century. He travelled extensively across the globe. He is believed to be immortal. At the vast temple complex in Gorakhpur is a tomb said to contain his body absorbed in Samadhi. He is believed to be "Protector of the Cows"and hence the name Goraksha. A legend says that a barren woman, wishing to bear a son, received some ashes from Shiva's fire. Instead of swallowing the ashes she threw them on a pile of dung and twelve years later Matsyendranath recovered a boy from this dung pile whom he named Gorakhnath ----"Lord of Dung."
Gorakhnath is said to have inspired such great luminaries as Kabir, Gopichand, Guga, Puran Bhagat and Guru Nanak. He is even reputed to have been the foster father and teacher  of the Prophet Muhammad.
The city of Gorka  in Nepal is named after Gorakhnath . His followers known as Naths and Kanphatas form the largest Indian tantric tradition.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Land measurements.

One katha = 20 Dhur
One Dhur = 20 Dhurki
One hectare=2.5 Acre=4Bighas
One acre=1.6 bighas=32 kathas
One bigha= 20 kathas
One katha = 20 Dhur
One Dhur = 6.25 Ya=6.5hath
Onakatha = 1.65 decimal
One decimal= 435.5 Sq feet