Saturday, March 19, 2011


We seek neither misery nor happiness,but freedom.You are always looking for more pleasure,more enjoyment. you can not be satisfied because what you seek really is freedom. What then can satisfy man? Not gold. Not joy. Not beauty. One infinite alone can satisfy him, and that infinite is himself. When he realizes this, then alone comes Freedom.

Fear and desire are the two causes of all this. But who creates them? We ourselves. Nothing external can be eternal!

I am the infinite blue sky. Over me pass the clouds of various colors,remain a moment,and vanish. I am the same eternal blue. I am the witness, the same eternal witness, of all. I see, therefore nature exists Not  one of us could see or speak, if this infinite unity are broken for a  moment.

Freedom Oh Freedom! is the cry of life. Freedom, Oh Freedom! is  the song of the soul But Nature  has no freedom She is all law, This is why the idea of God is essential to the mind.


  1. Very true! Freedom is highly additive as well as encompassing in nature. In madness of my freedom, I often breach someone else’s freedom. And hence nature brings Law to foster principle of self-control.

    Theoretically, freedom as an idea is not so intricate. But putting theoretical ideals into practice makes is farfetched. The black-and-whiteness of ideals of freedom makes it a mutually exclusive commodity which is restrictive in nature. What an irony!

    I still love freedom and I obdurately support full-fledged freedom and I beg you to persistently resist those who suggest limitations on freedom.
