Saturday, March 24, 2012


  • An exaggerated sense of self importance.
  • Mental phenomenon with which one identifies and cling.
  • Feeling that everything is about me and for me.
  • Feeling a need for every one to agree.
  • Wishing to get credit for every thing.
  • Simply an idea , an image that one has created in one's mind.
  • Wanting always to be centre of attention
  • No truly listening to others.
  • Believing that one knows everything.
  • No respct for others viewpoint.
  • A narcissistic search for being loved and appreciated .                                                                                                                               
                          EGO  PUTS   A    LOCK    ON    THE     INTELLECT

1 comment:

  1. Very deftly put. Ego is the reason for all human troubles. And Ego is what keeps Man away from God.
