Friday, March 21, 2014

Bird songs

                                                            Bird songs

Birds sing.Birds song consists of notes. Songs are sung mainly by males.
Birds sing during flight. Birds sing at dawn. Birds sing during courtship.
What is a song? A song has stanza,para and melody. If  bird vocalization has this property, it is a song, otherwise its a call. Some birds sing duets. Some know their songs at birth. Some require tutoring. Birds sing to impress and attract mate.Birds sing to declare their territory. Birds sing to identify and communicate with family members. Birds sing to announce the presence of an enemy and to covey information about food.

Bird song is partly innate and partly learned. Notes are innate but the melody is learned.
In some species , the female also sings. A bird in Panama sings every three hours, day and night.

                    Bird song is an excellent example  of intimate interaction between nature and nurture.

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