Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Charity & The Altruism

The Gita says that there are three types of charity, the tamsic,the Rajasic and the Sattavic.
Tamsic charity
It is performed on an impulse. The doer thinks of nothing but his own impulse to be kind.

Rajasic charity
It is what a man does for his own glory.

Sattavic charity
 It is that which is given to the right person in the right way and at the proper time.

But why does charity begin at all? Why does charity begin at home? Is charity the short-cut to an internal bliss?

Whether or not altruism is the by-product of an spiritual inclination can not be ascertained with certainty but it is sure that  it is the By-product of Altruism which is  the genetic trait. in animals as well as  humans.

Altruism from a socio-biological point of view
Personal fitness of performer is reduced while that of recipient is increased.

Why charity begins at home?
Because species exhibiting altruism are more likely to discriminate against outsiders (non-relatives) and to recognize insiders (relatives)

Feeling nice
It is always nice to be nice to some one else.But it is unlikely to be adaptive.
If helping another involves some cost to the helper, the helper is harming itself and that is sacrifice and that is true altruism. True altruism that is giving more than one gets, should have never evolved because such individuals will be less fit than their competitors. And yet altruism goes on in animals and humans.

Reciprocal Altruism
"You help me today, I will help you later whenever you need" "You scratch my back today and I will scratch yours" These two statements make it understandable.
Factor against its evolution is the danger of cheating. Individuals accept the altruism from others but fail to reciprocate. Socio-biologists believe it is most common in Homo sapiens.

The validity period of the old saying " UPKAR KABHI BEKAR NAHIN JATA" is very short.

But never mind, go on displaying altruism. This will give you a sense of feeling nice and internal bliss.

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