Thursday, July 19, 2012

Departed relatives do come in the astral world

Departed relatives sometimes  come in dreams. Such dreams can be true experiences, especially if you deeply miss your loved ones. It was only a day before yesterday in the morning  at about 6 'o' clock  that I had one such experience.

I saw Papa sitting along with three other persons on a  "chatay'  in the premises of  Data Kambal Shah at Goshala Road  Muzaffarpur. Lal Chacha  was doing something around whom I recognized at once.Papa glanced at me very ordinarily and fully aware of the fact that he is no more in this world  I,  without any hesitation,  touched his feet. It is to be noted that I had never touched his feet during his entire life time.

Before this experience I had trouble in sleeping since I came back here after performing the the last rites at Godda. A calm prevailed on my mind  then, and I started sleeping well.

I was not wonder struck on this vision.   I was knowing this.  A liberated soul like him is always on mission
He had a mission  in this  life and he has a mission  still even in cosmic life.

                                                               JAI SRI DATA KAMBAL SHAH


  1. ah...what a dream. The connect remains forever

  2. The reality of life is that it never ends.

  3. how extraordinary. he's tryin to tell u that he is at peace, by showing himself at his guru's place!
