Wednesday, May 16, 2018

टूट गया ।

इतने घुटने टेके हमने
आखिर घुटना टूट गया
पत्थर का तो कुछ नहीं बिगड़ा
लेकिन शीशा टूट गया
बचपन घर से बाहर निकला
और खिलौना टूट गया
सूनी कलाई देख के लेकिन
चूड़ी वाला टूट गया
मैं क्या जानूं  रोजा है या मेरा
रोजा टूट गया ।
टूटा फूटा नाच रहा है
अच्छा खासा टूट गया ।

Sunday, May 6, 2018

गिड़गिड़ाये नहीं हां हमने दो सना से मांगी भीख भी
 मांगी तो खुदा से मांगी
हाथ बांधे रहा चेहरा झुकाये रक्खा और दाद भी मांगी तो हया से मांगी ।

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

What is there in the name ?

When I was born on 27th February,1950,my Grandfather,Sri Satish Chandra Dubey gave me my name. The name was  Ram Nagina Dubey. When I was taken to school by my uncle Sri Shyam Sundar Dubey for admission he deleted Ram from my name and since then I am Nagina Kumar Dubey.When I along with my uncle whom we called lovingly Babuji returned home after my admission unfortunately we happened to meet my grandfather who had come from Bandanwar to attend to his court duties at Godda Bar. Without taking any time his first question was  "what was the name recorded in the school?" I told him the truth. The moment he knew the truth his anger was on the 7th sky. Not only he chided Babu but remarked "you have jeopardised the name,this name has now no meaning".
Now after 68 years when neither the name giver nor the name recorder is present in this world the government has released a list of benificiaries eligible for compensation in lieu of a small piece of our ancestral land acquired.Surprisingly it is the original name Ram Nagina and not Nagina in the list.
Thus we see that there may not be anything in the name but there is definitely something in the name giver.
What goes around comes around.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

हम हैं ।

एक जख्मी परीन्दे की तरह तेरे जाल में हम हैं।
ऐ इश्क अभी तक तेरे जंजाल में हम हैं।
हंसते हुए चेहरे ने भ्रम रखा हमारा ।
वो देखने आया था किस हाल में हम हैं।
अब आपकी मर्जी है, सम्हालें, न सम्हालें,
खूशबु की तरह आपके रुमाल में हम हैं।
एक ख्वाब की सूरत ही सही, याद है अब तक----
मां कहती थीं--------------
ले ओढ़ ले, -------------- इस शाल में हम हैं।

एक खयाल। मुनव्वर के नाम ।

आते हैं जैसे जैसे बिछड़ने के दिन करीब
लगता है जैसे रेल से कटने लगा हूं मैं ।
फिर सारी उम्र चांद ने रखा मेरा खयाल
एक दिन कह दिया कि घटने लगा हूं मैं ।
मुद्त़ों पहले जो डूबी थी वो पूंजी मिली ।
जो कभी दरिया में फेंकी थी वो नेकी मिली।
खूदकुशी करने पर आमदा थी नाकामी मेरी ।
फिर मुझे दीवार पर चढ़ती ये चींटी मिली
और मैं इसी मिट्टी से उठा था किसी बगूले की तरह।
और फिर एक दिन इसी मिट्टी में मिट्टी मिल गई।

मैं इसे ईनाम समझूं या सजा का नाम दूं।
अंगूलिया कटते ही तोहफे में अंगूठी मिल गई।
 आज फिर किसी ने लक्षमी को ठोकर मार दी।
  कूड़ेदान में एक बच्ची मिल गई।।एट

Saturday, January 27, 2018

न मैं शायर हूं और न ये शेर मेरे अपने हैं जिनके हैं उन्हें मुनव्वर कहते हैं

ऐसे उडूं कि जाल न आए खुदा करे।
रस्ते में अस्पताल न आए खुदा करे।।
अब उससे दोस्ती है तो दोस्ती रहे।
शीशे में कोई बाल न आए खुदा करे।।
मेरी मुठ्ठी से ये बालू सरक जाने को कहती है
कि अब ये जिंदगी, मुझसे भी थक जानें
 को कहती है।
जिसे हम ओढ़ कर निकले थे आगाजे जवानी में
वो चादर जिंदगी की अब मसक जाने को कहती है।
कहानी जिंदगी की क्या सुनायें अहले मेहफिल को
शकर घुलती नहीं और खीर पक जाने को कहती है।
मैं अपनी लड़खड़ाहट से परेशां हूं मगर पोती मेरी अंगुली पकड़कर दूर तक जाने को कहती है।

दुश्मनी हो तो ऐसी कि दोनों में से एक रहें।
और ताल्लूकात हो तो ऐसा कि तुम  पुकारो और हम चले आएं।

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


मैं अपने आपको इतना समेट सकता हूं
कहीं भी कब्र बना दो मैं लेट सकता हूं।
मंजिल करीब आते ही एक पांव कट गया
चौड़ी हुई सड़क तो मेरा गांव कट गया

अब एतबार के काबिल नहीं रहे आंसू ।
कोइ भी पुछे तो सब कुछ कबूल आते हैं।।

उनके होंठों से मेरे हक़ में दोआ निकली है
जब मर्ज फैल चुका है तो दवा निकली  है।
एक ही झटके में ये हो गयी टुकड़े टुकड़े
कितनी कमजोर ये वफ़ा निकली है।
बड़ी कड़वाहटें हैं, इसलिए ऐसा नहीं होता
शकर खाता चला जाता हूं, मुंह मिठा नहीं होता।

फकीरों की ये कुटिया है, फरावानी नहीं होगी
मगर जब तक रहोगे, हां, परेशानी नहीं होगी ।

मैं,अब,आंगन में सो जाता हूं, कमरे में नहीं सोता ।
मेरे बच्चों को अब उतनी परेशानी नहीं होगी ।।

ये आंसू आपको रुसवा कभी होने नहीं देंगे ।
मेरे पाले हुए हैं, इनसे नादानी नहीं होगी ।।

Saturday, January 6, 2018


Self is dear to all.
One does everything for self and seeks pleasure every where and in everything. His quest for material pleasures end when he finds that real pleasure lies in spiritual uplift,when he gets a perennial source of pleasure and in order to get this pleasure , he. practises austerity and penance. He loves his sons and daughters for his self pleasures and so if the son acts against him and his interest,he turns him out.
Shri Ram Tirth has said " Verily,not for the son's sake the sons are dear, but for the sake of the self (Atman).

Monday, January 1, 2018

My eldest son , Nagina

What I feel that my eldest son, Nagina has over the years developed intutional power to a great length.He appears to have read in between the lines and preachings of a number of renowned Yogis. Not only this ,he has applied in his life self descipline,spiritualistic outlook and a quest for truth.
This gives me a lot of satisfaction. At times I feel that even in the spiritualistic sphere he has surpassed me.Really it is surprising that by cultivating his mind and spirit he has been able to develop himself to this height,and all these by doing his routine work of the University and discharging his obligations to his family members.It seems to meet that Baba is very pleased with him. What I feel is that he always have bliss and happiness.
      Jay Baba ! Jay Data !

Nagina is these days Head of the Department of Zoology cum Dean of faculty of Science in the Mithila University, Darbhanga and is equally devoted to Data Kambal Shah. He attends the It's ceremony of Baba regularly and depends absolutely on the grace of Baba.
Today while we were discussing about about a competitive exam of his son Shaswat I reminded him that he should seek the grace of Baba by using his ' Bhabhut' with reverence.
Nagina  atonce  spoke out that he himself had seen the miracle of Bhabhut' of Baba. He narrated that while doing  practical work in the exam of B Sc Hons he had to take out the ovary of earthworm which he with great efforts did in more than 20 minutes. The external examiner Dr. K C Bose who was very strict used to see the result of the practical work of the students and allot marks immediately on the spot. When the examiner came to the seat of Nagina and saw his work under the microscope,he at once nodded "No" and told Nagina that he was giving him  zero mark. Nagina who was a very serious student and was expected to get a first class,suddered and in a flash his attention was turned towards Baba (Data Kambal Shah). This hinted the external examiner and he like a machine exclaimed that however he was giving one more chance to Nagina and he should hurriedly take out a sample and in the meantime he was completing his work of that row. Thinking that it is impossible now Nagina took out Bhabhut' from his pocket took some on his tongue and some he sprayed on the body segments of the earthworm and thereafter with closed eyes he hurriedly took out some thing from the earthworm on the slide and showed it to the examiner without wasting time to examine him self asto the sample contains the ovary or not. The examiner saw the slide under microscope and his eyes were widened in applause and words came out of his mouth "I give you full marks-ten !
This is just one instance of showing grace on his devotees.
My Guru Data Chhedi Shah though today is not in the world,is omnipresent and omniscient. God is infinitum.He manifests himself in different forms in different circumstances.
Jay Baba !  JayGuru !