Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ahilya Asthan

Ahilya Asthan is famous for a historical temple. It is situated about 3 Km south to Kamtaul Railway Station in Jale Block of Darbhanga District. When Lord Rama was on his way to Janakpur  his feet touched a stone and it turned into a woman who was non else but Ahilya.
Her husband Gautam Rishi had cursed Ahilya to turn into stone. The injustice done to the wife Ahilya by her husband , Rishi Gautam who was himself the author of "Nyay Sutra" is simply unforgettable  but it all happened due to a conspiracy and mischief and most ungodly behaviour of God Indra.

Lord Shiva had to intervene and Lord Vishnu had to incarnate as Rama to get the injustice undone.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Khuda ko Bibi ?

It is said that tha Saint at Kaliar Sharif was very zalali. It is also said that he stood under a tree for twelve years without food and drink. In order to break his  inertia, his parents sent his wife to him who said that she was his wife.He at once said " KHUDA KO BIBI  ? " and the wife at once was burnt to ashes. It is therefore one is lead to  Mazar Sharif  ( Kaliar Sharif) not straight but through zig zag way.

                                                                        ( As told by P K Dubey,a desciple of Sri DataKambalShah)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Departed relatives do come in the astral world

Departed relatives sometimes  come in dreams. Such dreams can be true experiences, especially if you deeply miss your loved ones. It was only a day before yesterday in the morning  at about 6 'o' clock  that I had one such experience.

I saw Papa sitting along with three other persons on a  "chatay'  in the premises of  Data Kambal Shah at Goshala Road  Muzaffarpur. Lal Chacha  was doing something around whom I recognized at once.Papa glanced at me very ordinarily and fully aware of the fact that he is no more in this world  I,  without any hesitation,  touched his feet. It is to be noted that I had never touched his feet during his entire life time.

Before this experience I had trouble in sleeping since I came back here after performing the the last rites at Godda. A calm prevailed on my mind  then, and I started sleeping well.

I was not wonder struck on this vision.   I was knowing this.  A liberated soul like him is always on mission
He had a mission  in this  life and he has a mission  still even in cosmic life.

                                                               JAI SRI DATA KAMBAL SHAH

Sunday, July 15, 2012


The biggest problem in life is our preoccupations. I come from a country which boasts of the most researched ways of soul srearching. We have thousands of ways to search for the meaning of life. We have the knowledge of the cosmic presence of an all Pervading Power. We know  how little we, our conflicts and our problems matter in this vast limitless creation. Still we pay little heed to all that Jaaz because all our lives we are preoccupied---- with our own thoughts, our own ideas,our own problems. We are preoccupied with the problem of survival forgetting all the while that survival is natural. We don't learn to breathe,do we ?
When I was in school I was preoccupied with the problem of what I would do after School. Would I be able to make it to a good college? In college I was preoccupied with the problem of how good a career would I have. I was worried thinking when I would fall in love. When I fell in love Iwas worried whether or not it would work out fine, After I broke up I was preoccupied with the problem of picking up the pieces and starting again.All the while I took the good moments for granted and made a hue and cry about the bad ones. In my own mind I gave much more weight to the failures than the successes. All the while I forgot to live because I was preoccupied with my own fears.
Life is predestined. We are born. We will die. when we die we will not take anything with us including the failures and the successes. at the final moment  of our reunion with the universe nothing will matter, We can do nothing to stop the forces of universe from working in their own fashion, Our preoccupations serve nothing  and no one.
Happiness, however transitory it may be, is worth cherishing. These moments are small gifts to us given by The Ultimate Power for enduring the shocks and surprises She bestows upon us. It is wise to get rid of our worries and preoccupations as we don't have a right to these. The only thing we are supposed to do so is to live the moment, enjoy the gifts and reunite with The Univers with smiling face.

N B- this piece of write -up was  picked up by me from a dust bin of my house. The write-up was on the back of an old envelope thrown in the dust bin. Although the writer is Anonymus ,I guess She may be one of my children.

Monday, July 9, 2012


The best form of meditation sometimes happens when you sit in a train with absolutely nothing to do. You just sit there but you don't think consciously of meditating, and in doing so you slip into a state
of meditation. Therefore meditation does not need to be a practice. Just be there and wait to fall into
it. Once you really start to be in touch with the inside, an emptiness comes upon you. Meditation then
happens by itself.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Does Life need managers?

Did you decide to be born? It's life's evolutionary process that you are born,whether you accept it or not.
Are you going to decide when you die? And are you going to decide how your process of death will be?
It will happen when it happens, whether you like it or not.
Now if your birth and death happen without your will why do you think that everything in between can be managed by.
Life does not need managers. Life needs creatures who live it.
So, think again and again " I am not the doer" and be happy

                                                                              From Ashtavakras' Gita.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rhythm - A note from Dad the Great

Dad the Great is no more in this  material world now. He left this world on 28-05-2012. at Jamshedpur.
Following is the note written by him on`19-2-2008
Life cycle is based basically on rhythm. Right from morning to evening we like machine work in rhythm..
Marriage, children and death ,every thing  happens in rhythm.
We remember the departed soul in rhythm and we forget him in rhythm
So, Rhythm in life cycle is  a whole human life.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Nag & Nandi

Entwind around the blue neck of Lord Shiva,the cobra sybolize hypnotic spell and meditative trance of this ascetic God. A Nag with three coils symbolize "Trikal"- the past ,present and future. It is extra ordinary in Indian mythology that the serpent symbolize time. Creation is time dependent.. But Lord transcends time.
Nag's looking towards right side symbolize approval to human activities based on knowledge, reasoning and logic. Lord's eternal laws preserve orders in the universe.

is both "Vrisha" and " Bull  ". When 'Vrisha', it symbolize ignorance, humility and selfless service. The bull however best symbolizes 'Kama'. He has controlled the desire. Bull is a symbol of both masculinity and fertility. No Shiva temple is comlete without an idol of Nandi. If ever any thing happense not conducive to liking of his swami, he takes no time to show the aggressiveness and power of a bull which is to be controlled then by the master ( Lord Shiva ) himself.

The Universe bows to Shiva & Shiva bows to His companions- Cobra & Bull -- Nag & Nandi

Monday, March 26, 2012


Sri Sri Mahavtar Babaji, Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Sri Swami Yukteswar Giri and Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

All are alive
Time and space are dissolved


Saturday, March 24, 2012


  • An exaggerated sense of self importance.
  • Mental phenomenon with which one identifies and cling.
  • Feeling that everything is about me and for me.
  • Feeling a need for every one to agree.
  • Wishing to get credit for every thing.
  • Simply an idea , an image that one has created in one's mind.
  • Wanting always to be centre of attention
  • No truly listening to others.
  • Believing that one knows everything.
  • No respct for others viewpoint.
  • A narcissistic search for being loved and appreciated .                                                                                                                               
                          EGO  PUTS   A    LOCK    ON    THE     INTELLECT

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ten tips to boost your self - esteem

  • Be open to admitting your faults. No harm in apologising
  • Don't expect any thing from any body. Let giving and receiving flow spontaneously.
  • Learn to forgive even your ardent enemy.
  • Learn from your mistakes.
  • Use feed back for self-improvement.
  •  Have a purpose in life.
  • Value yourself
  • Try to understand others' view points
  • Respect differences
  • Believe that you are good but there is still scope to enhance your goodness.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Love & Relationship

The act of giving is not love. When you become receptive, that is what creates love, because in that receptiveness you stop doing and mind falls into stillness and formlessness.

The easiest way to destroy a relationship is to ask the other to be different from how she or he is. How can you call it love to ask the other to be different from they are? I 'm sure you would agree that is not love. If you start to ask the other to change, you had better end the relationship.


The word alone simply means that there is no longer a separation between you and me.
Alone is not about loneliness.
Alone is about the ending of separation.
Alone means that there ceases to be a distinction between mine and yours.
There may be a distinction between your body and my body on the physical level, but on an energy level  there is oneness  - alone is all one.

Faith And Belief

Faith is personal. Belief is social. So you need not have belief. Have faith instead and have it for yourself only. Dont' try to convince anyone else of it. If you have faith, you will never try to convince anyone of it. However if you believe in something, you will get angry if others remain unconvinced by you.