Wednesday, December 14, 2011


When the mind has been brought to rest, then the Self stands in its own nature.
All mental disturbances derive from the ego's hopes, fears,loves, hates, desires,aversions, anxieties and insecurities.

So Self cannot be isolated and discovered until these distorting influences have been put to rest.

Putting them to rest requires that one traces them to their roots, understands them and ceases to fear them

Monday, December 12, 2011

Bureaucratic answer to corruption --- Right or Wrong?

The bureaucratic answer to corruption lies in laws,rules restrictions,inspections, audits, inquiries,penalties and punishments. The administration is less concerned with the principle of honesty. It controls through fear,not by arousing the citizens' eager cooperation in the mutual ordering of society. To the bureaucrat it seems easier to issue orders backed by threats than to work by example. He seldom looks to the root of the problems but is content if the symptoms of social malaise are contained by force.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Being Independent

Nirmala, an Indian woman, came from a family of many brothers and sisters. She resented the gender discrimination, common to the social orthodoxy of the time, which gave considerable freedom to the boys to move about as they pleased,whereas the girls had to stay at home except when they went out with parents. Nirmala wished she had been born a boy.

At some point in her youth, she learned about an Indian woman artist who, by virtue of her profession, lived an independent life, and she fantasized that she would become an artist and be independent. To this end she learned to paint, but she could not stop her father from marrying her off in the conventional fashion. However, her husband's circumstances permitted her the leisure to continue painting, and she achieved a certain competence.

                                            Did she become independent?
                                                   She doesn't think so!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pessimism --- Good or bad?

It is not that optimism is good and pessimism is bad. Both are functional and have value. It is mostly impossible for an average person to approach life and its every day situations with a neutral state of being. One is either tackling a situation with an inherent sense of pessimism or is surging ahead with optimism. What has changed is the way successful people often employ pessimism in a strategic way to motivate and prepare themselves for the future. It is not that optimism is not a perfect state. But the more ideal way to deal with things is  acknowledge every emotion,:accept what is and move from there.

The smart ones  manipulate pessimism in their favor At times it prepares you  for cautionary measures..

We are all trying to chase optimism  but then pessimism has also values At times we need to accept whatever happens in life.

Society upgradation

There is a simple answer to the problems of a corrupt society.
Every man who wishes to rectify the state of affairs must regulate his own life according to the standards of truth, honesty and unselfishness which he believes should control the whole society. He cannot control the whole society; he can control only himself.

It will operate by the power of example and with the spread of ripples from such individual action it is expected that the whole of society will be upgraded.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Qawwali & Sufi

Music plays a great role in the spiritual attainment. The Chistis call it the food of the soul. They listen to Qawwali. The atmosphere is charged with magnetism, harmony and peace. The nature of love,lover and beloved is expressed. The Qawwals sing the verses distinctly. The tabla players keep the rhythm even. The Sufi already set to music, joins with the rhythm and harmony of the music. His emotional nature at  times has its full play. His joy and feeling can not be explained. Language is inadequate to express them.

 This state is termed "HAL". Hal means condition

The state of ecstasy is no different from the natural condition of man moved to tears either on separation from the one he loves or when overjoyed on the arrival of his long expected beloved

Want an experience?


Saturday, October 22, 2011


Ashtavakra was the son of a lesser disciple of the great sage Uddalaka.The disciple married to Uddalaka's daughter.The unborn child, who already had mastered the Vedas,kept twisting and turning within the womb, unable to bear his father's mistakes in recitation, and  was therefore born with eight deformations. Hence he was called Ashta (8) Vakras ( bends).
Ashtavakra went on to become a great sage himself., and had  the honor of having  the King Janaka  as one of his students.
Ashtavakra, one of the Mithila's "Vibhutis" wrote Gita, " THE ASHTAVAKRA GITA". It has been called "a quantum leap into the absolute"
Even the Bhagvad Gita does not have the majesty found in it------ it is simply unparalleled

It teaches how one can rest in the stillness from which emerge the qualities of life and love, peace and compassion, bliss and enlightenment.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


In the heart of pain,no matter how dark it feels--- there is always light,there is always healing.
Your Soul steps in and brings you absolution. Your Soul never abandons you and lifts you into its light

We spend our lives running from pain, doing everything we can to avoid feeling it, yet only when we can run no longer, and the pain breaks us open, when we dont'care if  we live or die and often prefer to die,we let ourselves be touched by this light that has been there all along.

Things are not what they seem. Times are changing There is new freedom in the air. Freedom from pain, freedom from the past. you are birthing it within yourself. Can you feel it? The stirring, the awaakening ,the magic?

It does not matter if you dont' understand it and if you cant' see how. Let go off your need to once again  have everything fit into a neat and logical explanation. It might be a mystry. Rejoice in it. Open your arms wide and embnrace it. You shall have bliss.

The world is splitting. Two roads lie ahead. We can not travel both. We can choose joy or we can choose pain.

An epitaph to a women by her husband states "She cried every day, but not from sadness, but because the world's so beautiful and life's so short."


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Future fruits

A man was planting a garden. Somebody asked him,"What are you doing old man? Will you be able to enjoy the fruits of this garden? Your one leg is already in the grave"

Thr gardener replied, "Others had planted gardens, and we enjoy the fruits. Now I am planting the garden,and others will enjoy its fruits after me".


Saturday, July 23, 2011

" I "

The tendency to  say, 'No', I will not listen; I will not give in; I will not consider.

Because of what? Bacause of " I "; because "I am "

But there is only one 'I' ----- the perfect " I ". He is God

This is expressed in the saying, " Man proposes, but God disposes

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What is good and what is evil?

Good is that which you consider to be good, and the effect of which is agreeable to you both in its beginning and end.Evil is that which you  consider to be evil and the effect of which is disagreeable in the beginning as well as in in the end.

All things that seem good and evil are the opposite ends of one line,and it is difficult to say where evil ends and good begins. A lesser good would seem evil when compared with a greater good, and the lesser evil in comparison with the greater evil would appear good.

If there were no evil, good would not have been valued.

Therefore the whole of life's joy is expressed in duality.

H I Khan, Pir-o-Murshid

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"The Immortals of Meluha" ---- By Amish

It's not a novel but an ocean and the instances therein are not fictions but different drops of ocean itself that remain drops i.e. fictions only till they are dropped again in the ocean to become ocean themselves.

History & geography, Medicine & surgery, Mythology & gerontology, Altruism & reciprocal altruism,War & peace, Hate & love, Sex & exhibitionism, Development & governance, Dance & drama,  Music &song, Art & sculpture,Violence & terrorism Civilization & evolution,  Cast taxonomy & hierarchies, Signalling & messaging, Logic & philosophy, Woman empowerment & instincts,Laboratories & scientific discoveries, beauty tips, parenting,nursing, Rivers & water crisis and what not --- all the elements are there in one book.

Realization of pangs of separation is the beginning of religion and faith personified is God. The book gives an understanding what is good and  what is bad. Is it that what is done out of desire is wrong and what is done out of necessity is right? Perspectives vary and the perception changes.

Nevertheless for flawless and fluent English conversational practice , the book is immensely helpful.

The greatest charm of the book is that not only the lines but  also between the lines of the book are readable

It is hoped that Lord Shiva will give bliss and bless to every reader of the book leading to clearer understanding of human life and relationships

Kudos to Amish for his tremendous efforts,splendid research and above all magnificent contribution to the world of literature.

May Lord Shiva bless him for all of his endeavors.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Man & Woman

Man was created first, and  God then took the gentleness of the moon,the softness of the down, the beauty of the flowers, and the chatter of the jay, and combining these things,made woman.

And man was so happy. But after a while he went to God and said " She is a beautiful creature. I really appreciate her. But she talks without rest and she has become the bane of my life. Take her back" Then after two months the man again visited God. "I am very sad," he said. " Please return the woman to me." But after a while he came again and said, Please take her back" This time God said, " No, you have to keep her! Poor man! he could n't live with her,but neither could he live without her.

No man can come without woman, and no woman can come without man. Man is guided more by reason and woman more by feeling.

Each should strive for an inner balance of both reason and feeling,and so become a "whole" personality, a perfected human being.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Teachings of Shivapuri Baba

  • Give up Akarmas (useless thoughts,speeches and actions)
  • Give up Vikarmas (harmful thoughts,speeches and actions)
                     Intuition is sure to dawn on you.

  • You can not judge others
  • You can only judge yourself
                     Nothing is wrong with the world except that something is wrong with you

  • Happiness depends on disposition, not on circumstances
  • Whatever is done out of desire is wrong.
  • Whatever is done out of necessity is right
If we have to die,we should die with a laugh
Life and death is not in our hands
If we want to live,God may make us die.
If we want to die, God may make us live

Monday, May 2, 2011

Expression V/S Intuition

Two husbands heard the news that their wives had drowned. One was showing great grief and the other was not saying anything; but the one who showed sorrow outwardly felt less love for his wife than did the husband who didn't reveal by his facial expression any pain at all.

Some people have cultivated the ability to hide their true feelings because they  don't want to expose themselves to others.

So at times expression is superfluous and intuition matters.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

What does a pet Dog think of you?

A pet dog in one's family is like a family member. At least you think so. There is nothing unusual in it.

But have you ever thought what does a pet dog think of you?

Nothing else, but ,  " A Master Dog"

This is no joke, but,ethology.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Own no house of your own like a snake. A snake never prepares a hole for itself to live in.

Not having a house of one's own, is necessary to keep one above the perils of attachment to any place

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Message to Batch 2009-11 young managers of Sri Balaji Group of Institutes, Pune

You are unique with your own inner brilliance. Let it shine day after day. It is a gift you give to yourself, your family,and the community you'll serve.
There are many of us behind you who are loving you and supporting you as you begin this new stage in your life
Know that you are not alone. Know that you are blessed.Know that you are good enough. Know that the world is a much better place for you being in it.

My wish for you all is that the years beyond, will bring you a wondrous song in your heart and a lively dance in your step. You are very special. May all your dreams come true.

Last but not the least  not only you are to be acknowledged and congratulated for your graduation but also Prof. (Col) A. Balasubramanian, President Sri Balaji Society and his whole team for grooming you all so well that you all got placed.

                                                                                                          With Love
                                                                                                          ( Nagina)
                                                                                                        F/o  Shaswat Kumar

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Charity & The Altruism

The Gita says that there are three types of charity, the tamsic,the Rajasic and the Sattavic.
Tamsic charity
It is performed on an impulse. The doer thinks of nothing but his own impulse to be kind.

Rajasic charity
It is what a man does for his own glory.

Sattavic charity
 It is that which is given to the right person in the right way and at the proper time.

But why does charity begin at all? Why does charity begin at home? Is charity the short-cut to an internal bliss?

Whether or not altruism is the by-product of an spiritual inclination can not be ascertained with certainty but it is sure that  it is the By-product of Altruism which is  the genetic trait. in animals as well as  humans.

Altruism from a socio-biological point of view
Personal fitness of performer is reduced while that of recipient is increased.

Why charity begins at home?
Because species exhibiting altruism are more likely to discriminate against outsiders (non-relatives) and to recognize insiders (relatives)

Feeling nice
It is always nice to be nice to some one else.But it is unlikely to be adaptive.
If helping another involves some cost to the helper, the helper is harming itself and that is sacrifice and that is true altruism. True altruism that is giving more than one gets, should have never evolved because such individuals will be less fit than their competitors. And yet altruism goes on in animals and humans.

Reciprocal Altruism
"You help me today, I will help you later whenever you need" "You scratch my back today and I will scratch yours" These two statements make it understandable.
Factor against its evolution is the danger of cheating. Individuals accept the altruism from others but fail to reciprocate. Socio-biologists believe it is most common in Homo sapiens.

The validity period of the old saying " UPKAR KABHI BEKAR NAHIN JATA" is very short.

But never mind, go on displaying altruism. This will give you a sense of feeling nice and internal bliss.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A phone call

I am a simple teacher. I live at Darbhanga. I have neither money nor fame. No one was ever afraid of me. Now when I am 62 years old, I got a phone call from a St. Xavier's Alumnus who also probably worked in a parish and opted to settle in a village decades ago. "Have you ever heard this voice?" I replied in affirmative. He spoke "We hear that you will soon be retiring",the man spoke further. "Would you come and settle here? We feel that we'd be a better community and better neighbors for having a man whose life is so genuine living among us"

I was touched.
Imagine changing a community just by being oneself.

But that is power.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A page from Grand Dad's Diary- Sri Satish Chandra Dubey,Rtd. Inspector of Police and Advocate, Godda Court

At- Bandanwar
The sky is still cloudy. People are after Pujas to dedicate goats. A goat was sacrificed in my house. This is the last day of my Navratri  "Brata". I did not go to see the field and directed "Hurwa" to see and watch it.

I did not go to Barkope to have a "darshan" of Goddess Durga.

Prof. Bahadur came to my place and Babu remained engaged with him till late in the afternoon.

All the members except Babu, Fateh and myself went to Durga Asthan. Madho after great pursuation followed them.

Date- 22-10-1958                            Day-" Vijaya Dasmi"
-----------------                              ---------------------

This is the last day of the Pujas. Two goats were sacrificed at Durga asthan last night and brought in the morning.

I will make "Parna" of my "Brata" by eating meat.

None went to see the field.

Went out to see Nilkantha but to no effect.

Had a darshan of Goddess Durga and then returned.

Again tried to see Nilkantha and saw it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Where to live - In a village or City?

Reaching an age of sixty is not very comfortable. By this time one has traversed a million phases and borne the brunt of ages. By this time one feels aloof and isolated. World is not beautiful for them.

Human life under ideal conditions is 120 years.

Do you know that relatively long lived people lived in three regions of the world

1. In Hunzaland ( An isolated area of Pakistan )

2. In the high lands of Georgia and

3. In the village Vilcabamba (in southern Ecuador.

Common Characteristics

  • All the three areas------  mountainous and remote
  • All three---------------- relatively untouched by modern life.
Findings of scientific expedition in village Vilcabamba

  • 15% of the village's 814 people -- over 90 years
  • 14 people ----- over 100
  • oldest person---a 132 year old man
  • People in general ---energetic and vigorous
  • Dreadful diseases---- unknown to them

  • Eating pure food
  • Drinking pure water
  • Exposed to very little pollution
  • Fewer than 20 cars and no industry in the area
  • no need of exercise, most worked on unmechanized farms high on the hill side
  • Diet - fresh fruits and vegetables picked from the wild
  • no meat or little meat
Message to people in general and Es & CEOs of MNCs

  • Return to your root (native village) --- when the work is over there
  • Relive each moment with simplicity and dignity
  • Get self satisfaction, enthusiasm and renewed vigour


What is your opinion about village Bandanwar of Dt. Godda  of Jharkhand State of India ?

Any idea ,any comment will be greatly appreciated.

                  ------------------- X------------------

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ajay Kumar Jha --- A Sanyasi

William Dalrymple was born in Scotland and is a renowned author of a no. of highly acclaimed best sellers including "Nine Lives".When he was travelling to Kedarnath he fell into conversation with an ash smeared and completely naked Sadhu probably in the year 2008. He had always assumed that most of the Holy man he had seen in India were from traditional  village backgrounds But soon it was apparent that Ajay Kumar Jha was in fact

 a far more cosmopolitan figure than he had expected. Ajay and he walked together along the steep ridge of a mountain. When  Dalrymple asked him to tell his story after some initial hesitation, he agreed.

'I have been a Sanyasi only for four and half years' "Before that I was a Sales Manager with Kelvinator, a Bombay consumer electricals company. I had done my M B A at Patna University and was considered a high flyer by my employers. But one day I just decided I could not spend the rest of my life marketing fans and frodges. So I just left. I wrote a letter to my boss and to my parents, gave away my belongings to the poor, and took a train to Benares. There I threw away my old suit,rubbed ash on my body and found a monastery'.

It was a very sudden decision , said Ajay. I have never regretted it for a minute,even when I have not eaten for several days and am at my most hungry. Of course at first it was very difficult, he said.  But then every thing  worthwhile in life takes time.
I was used to all the comforts: my father was a politician and a very rich man by the standards of our country But I never wanted to live a worldly life like him'.

When you walk on the hills your minds become clear, he said

'All your worries disappear. Look ! I carry only a blanket and a water bottle. I have no possessions, so I have no worries

He smiled: "Once you learn to restrain your desires," he said 'any thing becomes possible'

William Darymple says, The sort of world where a committed, naked naga Sadhu could also be an MBA was something I was to become used to in the course of my travels for the book 'Nine Lives"

Can any body give clue about this great renunciator of Bihar who must have his roots in Mithila?


We seek neither misery nor happiness,but freedom.You are always looking for more pleasure,more enjoyment. you can not be satisfied because what you seek really is freedom. What then can satisfy man? Not gold. Not joy. Not beauty. One infinite alone can satisfy him, and that infinite is himself. When he realizes this, then alone comes Freedom.

Fear and desire are the two causes of all this. But who creates them? We ourselves. Nothing external can be eternal!

I am the infinite blue sky. Over me pass the clouds of various colors,remain a moment,and vanish. I am the same eternal blue. I am the witness, the same eternal witness, of all. I see, therefore nature exists Not  one of us could see or speak, if this infinite unity are broken for a  moment.

Freedom Oh Freedom! is the cry of life. Freedom, Oh Freedom! is  the song of the soul But Nature  has no freedom She is all law, This is why the idea of God is essential to the mind.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Love again

Human love is mixed up with attributes. It is dependent too on others attitude.

The lowest love is selfish. It consists in the pleasure of being loved.

Above this is mutual love. But this also ceases mutually.

True love is all giving. We don't even want to see the other or to do anything to express our feeling.

It is enough to give.

But it is almost impossible to love a human being like this but is possible so to love God.

However the act of giving is not love. When you become receptive, that is what creates love, because in that receptiveness you stop doing. Therefore the mind falls into stillness, the formless and that brings bliss.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tea cup size pets

*Choose the smallest males and females
*Size is under genetic control..
*In every generation sort the small individual dogs  and allow them to the chance to mate.
* Deny the breeding option to those dogs that failed to meet  your criteria (large ones)
* With each new generation, repeat the process.
* You will be producing individuals that were closer and closer to your ideal variety.

Eventually you would recognize that you were as close as as you were  ever going to get your idealized tiny "tea cup" variety of poodle

The entire process is so simple but is purely scientific

Blogger acknowledges Richard Alexander for his scientific  article published in an International  Journal & Shilpi Dubey Pathak T O I, Mumbai for few lines article published in

Friday, January 7, 2011

Spiritual reasons to fast

* to present a petition before God

* to demonstrate the seriousness of the request

* to more fully praise,worship and honor God

* to receive spiritual insight

* to develop self discipline

* so that we may feel purified